Thursday, December 27, 2018

He Maketh Me To Lie Down In Green Pastures, He Restoreth My Soul

     And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring, Galileo Fran'ce Anthony And Erica Pristine Wellson,

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/2017-2024, The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy, The Twelve Couple Leads, Silverton Nicholas Exodus

     Also Starring: Arise Sioux Noel Deburk and Adam Eve Lynn Liverworth, Standing Apache Arrow Deburk and Sura Danielle Bledlou, Cheyenne Water Falls Deburk and Bethany Constance Woodstock, Marked Tree Hill Deburk and Benevolent Nicole Freestone, Sabertooth, Wounded Knee Deburk  and Lyndsay Kierra Bledsoe, Lion Wolf Paw Deburk And Peton Beth Jasmine, Medicine Bow Sign Deburk and Tynan Venice Alamos, Bronze Coten Field Deburk and Cadence Tatiau Lottsmon, Beethoven Fifth Artz and Jaguar Nesting Braveheart Deburk, Nicholas Edin Coogan and Tiffany Ann Saurus, (Maaseiah Adonai),Christian Cross Artelon  and Carmilla Felicia Brecorwicks 
 Spirit River Artelon And Csterling Mdagan Vr'ana 

The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy, 1986-2016/17/18/19

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/2017-2024, The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy, The Twelve Couple Leads, Silverton Nicholas Exodus

     And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: The African Juttah 1986-2016, 17/18/18, The Deburks, Coogans and Aretlons And Aggarts

Unto Sia Tribe Arise Sioux Noel Deburk and Adam Eve Lynn Liverworth was born a son , Eagle Canyon Mountain, a son, Antonio Halo Valley, Deburk, and daughter Braveheart, Antelope deer, Deburk, Liverworth
Unto Sia Tribe Standing Apache Arrow Deburk and Sura Danielle Bledlou was born a son, Nicolai Addison Deburk, a son, Maddox River Bison Deburk, a daughter Hillary Demetria Stardust, Deburk, Bledlou    
Unto Sia Tribe Cheyenne Water Falls Deburk and Bethany Constance Woodstock, was born a son Lone wolf. Howling Lion Deburk, a son, Snow Mount, Wild Cat Paw Deburk, and a son, Misty River, Yellow Rock, Woodstock  
Unto Sia Tribe Marked Tree Hill Deburk and Benevolent Nicole Freestone was born a daughter, Daisy Hill, Seraphim Deburk,  a daughter, Adrianna Pink Path Deburk, a daughter Sun cloud, Spotted Oak Deburk, and a son Dancing Branch,     Still Waters, Freestone    
Unto Sia Tribe Sabertooth, Wounded Knee Deburk  and Lyndsay Kierra Bledsoe was born a son, Stallion Creek, Indian Battle Deburk , a daughter, Angelica Grace Peak Deburk, a son Brightstone, Starlight Deburk and a Daughter Painted, Rock Creek        
Unto Sia Tribe Lion Wolf Paw Deburk And Peton Beth Jasmine was born a son, Madison Forrest Deburk, a daughter, Chelsea Daniella Deburk and a son, McMillan, (Millan), Alwen Deburk
Unto Sia Tribe Medicine Bow Sign Deburk and Tynan Venice Alamos was born a son, Nifco Ewan Deburk  a son Naylor Jamal Deburk and a son, Lebanon, Running Bull, Alamos       
Unto Sia Tribe Bronze Coten Field Deburk and Cadence Tatiau Lottsmon was born a son, Sage River, Fallen Water Deburk, a daughter, Tynial Felicia  Deburk and a son, Broderick Antwon Lottsmon
Unto Sia Preece Beethoven Fifth Artz and Jaguar Nesting Braveheart Deburk was born a son, Labyrinth Beethoven Symphony Artz, a son, Selah, Achilles Decius Artz, and a son, Bridgeover Aldean Efren Deburk, Artz,    
Unto Sia Nicholas Edin Coogan and Tiffany Ann Saurus, (Maaseiah Adonai), was born their new twin sons Agurus Heus Coogan and Heus Agurus Coogan, and a daughter born unto them one year later, B. Karsiann Coogan. 
Unto Sia Christian Cross Artelon  and Carmilla Felicia Brecorwicks was born a son, Leonardo Orenzen Aretlon, a son Christiansen Orion Artelon, a son Michaelson Constantine Brecorwicks      
Unto Sia Spirit River Artelon And Csterling Mdagan Vr'ana was born a son Cullum Enid  Artelon, a daughter Nadia Adyson Spring Artelon and a son, Lambeth Trevor Artelon and a daughter Chastain Belin Vr'ana                                

     He Maketh Me To Lie Down In Green Pastures, He Restoreth My Soul

                                                              Scene XVI

     "Okay Hain man, what was that about, a bridge to Terabithia? Because I'm thinking if President Trump get his wall, the stampeding people of America surely gonna need a Bridge over to some place other than the North America continent, right? A make believe get away kingdom forest, by two middle school kids, one rich, one not so rich, and that is what they call it, their fantastic escape from a harsh reality I guess, Terabithia. Actually you guys, what's going to be my first daughters name, only my darling, darling wife doesn't know it, well until now. Well I know something my beloved husband Collin Hain doesn't know, boy or girl I don't know either, but what I do know is I am pregnant, what, wha, huh? Guys, guys, guys, you're, too, ah, ah, you'll spook, you said, sure, and you knew this while we played earlier? There it go, see, now Hain, you know how I felt, I mean Collin Hain I took the test, three of them and they all say positive, yeachhhhhhhhhh! Now who's too loud? So you agree, whether boy or girl, we name him or her, Terabithia, no, no, no, I'm not agreeing to that, ah come on, that's only Terra for short, boy or girl. No, wait, are we Andre having our first name that unborn child, fight? You'll never win this disagreement, ah disagreement, I wanna see hands all around the car who all agree with me, ah Sole man I can't see that hand, cause I didn't raise it, you, Dome, you would name your child Terabithia? Yeah, a girl, even Bithia for short, and Andre? Ah, I just wanna be on Hain side verses your side, that's arrogantly honest, what can I say Dre, I hate/love you, I always have. That's five and four, so who's gonna break the tie? It's on you Sole man, I need your vote, or you could just agree with your wife, me. I'll wait to see which side win the snowball fight, what about that? Wow, wow, that's fair, looks like I'll be calling my first born Terra or Bithia, you guys can't even pray for a win let alone hope for one, talking harsh Dre, really.  Hey, let's play face off on the way back, what's that? Well we start the game from left to right, so you Belize will go first and you have to decide what about the person to your left face you would change. That person go left from there until everyone has a turn, don't tell me Carlos, you, yeah, I just made this up, so Belize, what about hubby Itcus face you would change?"     >>>"You do know Mr Bassoon there is no need that you meet me in my office daily, I do know, I just find this place out of the ordinary, a fashion center, I never had a client that brought me in touch with such fascinating people, but you if insist I will  meet you downstairs. Pardon me Mrs Coogan, but I overheard you last night, how is it that you know all of that? All of? So much about bible stuff, I only Mr. Bassoon know what I need to know, so God can use me the way he want, a tool by which to persuade his people over to him, no more no less. I guess you know a lot of people don't like it, yes, just as Jesus said, yeah to the men who followed him, you are a woman, so that's even, well most think who or what you are just isn't possible, while what Jesus and his ministered where often found just as impossible. As blasphemy, one of the very charges against God in the flesh, Himself, like Mr Bassoon, they accursed and crucified God, for breaking His Own Righteous Laws. Honestly, I never considered that, but it's true if you believe Jesus is God, that God is Jesus, I'll see you downstairs, give me like 20, and I'll be there, will you Mrs Coogan be going straight home? I will yes, I'm not expected out at the Artelon Dorm until noon tomorrow, well, ok, see you in about twenty."     >>>"Mrs. Stuart, Tif, I hoped to see you before you left, I think Dex is having an affair and I need to know what would you suggest I do? Wha, are, please tell me, I am, but why in the world, look, read, huh? Apparently Tif a columnist like myself get those kinds of questions, I been ignoring them until I read this one. Like you sweetheart, gave me chills, is someone playing, no, her husband name is Dexter Michael, she think he's having an affair. That is how she asked the question, but she can't Ron just think he's having as an affair, she must know, she gotta ask him and go from there, and that's what I suggested. So what about your promotion? Of course Tip I'm happy about it, but I don't think all of your partners are, plus, I'm more a writer than a model, designer, perhaps, but you know it Ronda even though you don't practice it, Sissy and Erica know that, so who are you talking about? Ashleigh and Tif before you disagree, I think she is better fitted for this position than I am, then you Ron offer it to her, you sure you won't be offended? I made you the offer, Sissy and Erica agreed, all you miss lady had to do was accept it, what you do with it is up to you. Just let them both know, I approve and Mrs. Corronda Aggart, be sure, talk it over with Dex, I will do all of the above, good night then, see you tomorrow. Tif, yes, what if I'm one of the ones who want to follow you to France? You're kidding, you wouldn't have to place, girl if you and Dex wanna come, just come, I'd be so tickle, well Dex has a new series driving him to Paris, he don't want to leave Dill and I for so long. I'm just thinking Tip I can make it a Dissuasion event, even Tif give the people an up close and personal look at our Paris stores, you got me Ronda at you want France as well. I still don't believe it, I better go, I'm keeping Mr. Veneer new assignment for me waiting, thank God I won't need him, any of them in France, and why is that, isn't that Tip where it all began? It did, but they're no longer a threat, thanks to Pepe Saurus and Mr. Veneer being so persuasive, and prayerfully, thankfully, Mr.  Big Bear foothills seem to be coming around.  Now you not gonna change your mind? No, Dex isn't gonna let me, but Tip, it's only for as long as he's there, what, I wouldn't dare Ronda try to keep you two, yeah, yeah, be careful, I will, you too."     >>>"No, no, no, she says we're in a 39th Matrix ten day count, based on Rev, 2, Jesus forewarning already gone under tribulation and martyrdom church Smyrna. Only Jesus, like Sia Maaseiah is forewarning a disastrous US soil, again telling more of the same is coming for ten days, thus you guys, the ten day countdown into doomsday. Witnessed given as a Matrix movie screen of the number 10, also aligned to Rev 2 whore Jezebel, as of the 5th Matrix count.  These were dreams about riches to rags, sickbeds to sleepovers, making sense of the stock market Dec. 24, 2018, the 39th matrix, having it's worse crash since 1930.  According to brothers Itcus and Aggie, grand Maaseiah's grand Bisque, birth year, with all of her others aunts and uncles births striking really close; I'm just saying guys, if it reference her in any way, fit or fashion, it can't be overlooked as just some coincidence. Isn't that Soledad what those beast she witnessed lately grazing on the horizon of the worst yet to come, like Wyoming, and two other, pending super eruptions US soil. Then while the word tribulation scrolled none stop on the news ticker, stop it you guys, stop it okay, I gotta get this aching, breaking feeling out. Presently my entire family are being invited to attend the very house designing a Christmas party of the very loved ones and friends. All of those which my sister Sia Maaseiah witnessed as an exodus, along both sides of our grandma home, right into a fence in backyard, see the symbolism here? President Trump has gone as far as to partially shut down the government, that has been meet with various forms of sudden destruction, since before this man took office. An administration liken to the rise of Gog and Magog during it's very campaign and I don't know if you realize it, but this predicted break out with extinction level events US soil, those described by sis Maaseiah to be nuclear, natural and NEOS. They're all right now being held back by a very thin thread of divine intervention that has counted down from one Christmas day of America's weight of blood guilt into a Thanksgivings 2017, now you guys, 2018, Matrix ten day count, Dec. 3 2018, to 39, and 40. Presently, approaching all, with the most terrifying forewarnings of all, that fifty million people will die; a massive death toll reminded you guys in likeness happen the crash of 1930 slash 2018, lately by Sia  Maaseiah's choice of a financial analyst, AMTV Chris. This made aware probably giving more credence to sia hearing 2017, kill all parents by," and the threat stalls there, by what a 40th Matrix day count; and go on to say, "finish all school!"  We know without questions, we do, like Catholic churches are bearing the next generation of the one sexual abnormality that is the genocidal mutation of the Genesis Man/Marriage. Ours, us, this divine movement, this antichrist is targeted by Rev 2, church Smyrna martyrdom, all guys, the end of this nation and this world for six millennia now. Right into the announcement of the woman seed and with everything Sia Maaseiah has seen and experience since, these decades, THEY, the Holies of Holies. Those God's throne, predicted planet removal, arrival, are so close to us, you could very well say  THEY'RE awaiting Her, this final, flood water down, martyred blood, pink offer of better homeless shelters in heaven; again waiting blessed her and all those varied this planet who're counted as the holiest of all Church Brides, like i said, thanks for letting me get that, I'm going to find Belize, good night you guys, good, blessed night.  As, uh, Itcus was saying, that's why you guys sis, Sia Maaseiah send her blessings as to encourage a happy, heavenly Christmas, you see between Christmas eve and day, 2001 was when she witnessed the Brides be taken off planet just as simultaneously as America, west rule was wiped off the planet.  So, I tell you,  seeing Rev 10, great angel, as Apostle John saw him, only ten matrix days later, this was after you guys, sis witnessed, a perfect man Jesus, still while eyeing down a dangerous, perfect man Just another indication that Trump's, all world leaders present, is, are Ancient beast rule slash Antichrist reign come, pretty much the final week of Daniel 9, into fulfillments Rev 17/18.  That Aggie man I remind a perfect man Jesus, that looked like her twin brothers I must add, I don't under, you never noticed her description of him, of them actually, that it fit you with blue eyes, and Itcus with green eyes,  no, no, I, ah my god.  Uh, continuing, then the great Angel she witnessed Jan 26-29, 2018, and had such phenoms revisited October 15, 2018, as a reminder they're saying US states of barbecue, that's unless escaped to Georgia, the entire North American Craton, they'r for like of a better word toast, thus Apostle Peter ask, knowing the smoke of America, of this present planet burning, hath come, what manner of man you ought to be, except repenting, escaping into blessed exodus? Look, have any notice this description they both saw, mean this Angel can't be anyone other than God, or Jesus? His feet are parked one, the sea, one, the planet, and sis Maaseiah is brought to attend especially what she describes of him mightily stampering the US map commanded to go off the map, warning no time left. Even those areas inundated with seismic to tectonic forewarnings, just other areas of North America Continent she again witnessed, even Canada be announced as gone off the plane, this is ten of millions in endangered souls. Then she hear THEM tell her also beware the Midwest, which is Yellowstone territory and the eastern seaboard, which we learn lately is itself come active with dormant Volcanic to oil drill point molten crust displacement, that even you guys, USGS is warning. So when God say, as of the Dec 24, 25, 2001, timetable, weight of blood guilt, judgement, out of both Eze 4 and Dan 5, that he has laid a siege US soil this entire planet, meaning all it's municipalities. Behold, it is that  flaming infernos, those endangered souls invited from US states of barbecue, a partial fulfillment of 2 Peter's 3:11 forewarning. Plainly a consumption of the planet by an inundation of fire, again the predicted, Eze 5,  Rev 17, it's vast whoredom to manslaughter, Rev 18, even it's double judgment. This is what the smoke of king of kings Mystery Babylon, monstrous, murderous Western Civilization is about, only now America's fiery removal, ah, that's it I guess, now, I'm gonna go check on my brother. You guys must realize our sister, now your, well our, Sia Maaseiah, you Soledad witnessed reigning in heaven, being dubbed, Lord Urusalem, as Jesus, Lord Jerusalem, like a return to heir Throne, God's Kingdom. Jesus is Lord, all her life she's been telling her family, and all her life we, her family have done nothing but make mockery, you all know, that's what this invitation back to the places she's telling us to escape is, just proving their distrust and looking to call her a hypocrite, of her own forewarnings. When all this nation, this planet should be as those Dec 3, 2017, stampeding elephants of unaware, getting into Georgia, Africa or Jesus' escape itself, as of Holy Lords and her relentless forewarnings. To be honest, just ask yourself, the woman bearing Rev 16 Trumpet Angel and Rev 17, 7th Angels bowls, just when was it you guys these world, life and soul ending judgements exchanged hands? And who is she to be given this kind of holy power, Sia Juttah, Soledad Maurice who is she, during these phenoms celebrations, what did you hear? "All hail to Lord Urusalem," only she constantly passed off said exaltation to holies of holies Father, God, Lord Israel and it's for many millennia host of intravenous intervention, Holy Angels. Including you guys the two olive branches and those 144,000 specialty virgins, uh, thanks Soledad for that, good night everyone, our last here, and we're back to studies and labors the Paris Globe, Dome, you coming? I am on your heels dearest husband, good night from me as well, wait, wait you two, Jesus 144,000 virgin males, that's the very opposite, of those Sia Maaseiah, was shown in that church overcome by smoke of demons pouring in, remember they were seen as future teens possessed as of Satan's seat, with the next generation of male pedophilia, as I said, the opposite of Jesus, 144,000, good catch there Andre, wow, so amazing, the difference between Christ Lord Jesus and Lucifer's, again goodnight. Wow, I've never heard the twins talk like that before, never knew they knew things like that before, I been around them all my life, Hain and I both, Kas, I didn't know either, you Hain, Dre? No, new to us a well, but they did grow up with her, our Sia Maaseiah, I mean Sole, what they know and have seen because of her could be limitless. It all just give me the urgency to get into African Juttah where Key and Desrek are, I change my mind, I would Sole dear like you to enter our names to be of the next couples in line to relocate into the Juttah, you know we gonna have to tell the others, especially Itcus and Aggie. Yeah instead Hain man of our bridge to Terabithia, come is  our divine, designed crossover to New Africa, Septennial Juttah, even marriage supper in heaven;  hey, you guys want to drink a hot beverage before bed, tea, coffee, hot chocolate? How about some hot eggnog, I been wondering how that would taste, even if it might make me sick, if dear wife, Kassle Berlyn it make you sick I'll help hold your head over the commode, ah, loving man, that sound so, so sexy. I'm saying, as a Jesus Husband, no matter what, I'm right there for you, I'm just saying, I'm beginning to think Sole, that's what we male marriage worshippers are, Jesus husbands, to blessed Juttah Brides ...aren't we though Hain, aren't we though." Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, for it is written, though they have eyes, they see not, ears they have but they hear not, their hearts are waxed cold, as, are their stone gods, from America, Hawaii to Native America, so are they, Apb, The RAM, see more here, the exodus of Evolent de Rossi Of the house Of Egypt, and here,

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