Thursday, January 17, 2019

Yea, Though I Walk Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death, I Will Fear No Evil: For Thou Art With Me; Thy Rod And Thy Staff They Comfort Me.

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast...

     And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring Regan Central Whitehead and Phearson Mycal McPhearson 

Lorenzo Martin Vincent and Gabriella Trenae Cotson Richard Lee
McPhearson and Shirley Irene Votts, Bradford Clifton Whitehead and Teresa Niki Board,Tyson Michael Lopez and Jennifer Consuela Raphael, Rodger Carson Copeson and Erica Clarisse House, Contez James Lowed and Trenifer Ni’ce James, Vicente Raja Bonai and Melanie Faye Rus’sel, Romanoff Neal Copeson and Celestria Allison Lopez, 
Branch Maurice Vincent and Tennyson Natali Russell, Jeremy Sephon McPhearceson and Chloe Bren Spotts, Lloyd Chester Moore and Laura lay Votts Phearson, Nick Cole Matthan and Melody Lee Ann Copts 

The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy

Unto Lorenzo Martin Vincent and Gabriella Trenae Cotson was born their first son Branch Maurice Vincent, their son Baldwin Fredrick Vincent , their son Nathan Helene Vincent, a son Drew Tylon Vincent and a son Ambrey Carson Vincent 
Unto Richard Lee McPhearcson and Shirley Irene Votts was born their first son Phearce Mychal McPhearceson, their second son Jeremy Sephon McPhearceson and a daughter, Laura lay Votts 
Unto Bradford Clifton Whitehead and Teresa Niki Board was born their first son South Lee Whitehead, their second North Lee whitehead, their third son Est Wes Anderson Whitehead and a daughter Regan Central Whitehead 
Unto Tyson Michael Lopez and Jennifer Consuela Raphael was born their son Clay Martin Lopez and a daughter Celestial Allison Lopez Raphel, 
Unto Rodger Carson Copeson and Erica Clarisse House was born their first son Roman Neal Copeson, their second son Collyn Nicoli Copeson and a daughter Deloris Megan House
Unto Contez James Lowed and Trenifer Ni’ce James was born their son Herenton Egan Lowed, a son Darius Cantrell Lowed and a daughter Hillary Canary James 
Unto Vicente Raja Bonai and Melanie Faye Rus’sel was born a daughter Tennyson Natali Rus’sel, another daughter Kyler Nicole Bonai and a son Ctentri Israel Bonai 
Unto Romanoff Neal Copeson and Celestria Allison Lopez was born their first daughter Cynthia Renée Copeson, a daughter Chelsea Alcee Copeson, and a daughter Kennedy Denice Lopez 
Unto Branch Maurice Vincent and Tennyson Natali Russell was born their first daughter Cadence Nicole Vincent, and a son Dante Branch Vincent, and a son Scarlet Carlos Russell 
Unto Jeremy Sephon McPhearceson and Chloe Bren Spotts Was born there first son Hedrick Tyler McPhearson, a daughter Tory Lynn McPhearson , and a daughter Tameka Lawren Spotts 
Unto Lloyd Chester Moore and Laura lay Votts Phearson was born their daughter Brittany Lorry Moore, and a daughter Paris Teris Votts 

Unto Nick Cole Matthan and Melody Lee Ann Copts ws born a son, Mcdaniel Aston Matthan ,a son, Robin Pressly Mattah and a son,    

The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy, 1986-2016/17/18/19

     ...Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over....
                                                         Scene XXII
       "Arg god, arg god, arg god, I'm on my knees, begging, please, please I need her,  I need my wife,  arg god, arg god, arg god,  ...Big bear, look at me, please, I'm kneeling here with you, because she's dead right, she's gone? Sh, sh, sh, nobody knows that, okay, I don't even know that, sense that, I don't wanna hear this, she's in a better place damn crap, please god hear me, "I cry unto thee in the day time and at night I am silent."  Tiffany, yes, a word pleases,  I'm coming, how many Nicholas, how many dead, or missing? Ah, 30 people dead, and a half a dozen missing, including, Big, little Bear wife, witnesses say the hold building just exploded, no warning, my Christ Jesus, people all just sitting, eating and enjoying the evening. Probably Nicholas, all this imploding France madness is spreading that's all, I saw Red Hawk and Hillary, they seemed to be okay, just scrapes and bruises. This unthinkable Tiffany could've been any one of us, we all frequent this eating place, and guess Nicholas who knows this just as we do? So you think you can talk him off his knees, off the pavement, out of the way or do I need to alert Sia Deburk Apache, Sioux and others? I don't think I can, he may as well blame me as those terrorist that did this, knowing I'm their primary target, what you mean knowing? Mr Blossom, come, warn before we left the states, terrorist are planning ceremonies for Paris Globe so called oracle, you Tiffany. Those as mocked Sharia, head to toe dress, rape, female castration and as to deny Christ or be beheaded.  Not Tiffany to add insult to injury, I had this dream just last night, I'd been striped naked, mocked by all attending and was being lead to the gallows to suffer a hanging, and then I woke,  excuse me loving girl, I got the Globe on the phone. {{{Paris Globe, Sia Cheyenne speaking, Sia Deburk, Attorney Coogan, I'm going to assume sensing this calm, you all haven't heard there's been a bombing, the Logan Phaeton eatery, yes, I'm getting it on all screens right now, alerting all others, please Lord Coogan tell me all is well with you and Sia Maaseiah?  It is, but not so well with Preece Big, little Bear, he and his brother, sister were all there, and his wife Scarlet Sunni is yet missing, feared dead, we're there as soon as transportation can arrive us there, good, he's in an unthinkable bad way, as should be expected, he really need you all's help, good as there,  yeah, thanks."}}}      >>>"Little Bear, don't touch me, come to me, don't Red Hawk Ghost river, talk to me, you can't help her like this, by being on my knees begging God you mean, who else is there when God alone has this power to victory to ascend her when I need her so much? How is your wife Red Hawk, okay, how is Hillary, is she even hurt? Her wrist may need surgery, and her head, she may have a minor concussion, well my wife was possibly blown to pieces or burn alive, and if I had to choose her death to be one way or another, I choose blown to pieces, either Bear, she's no longer to be found that burning, smoking pile of metal, dust to extinct treasures, what part brother of don't talk to me did you not understand? Then I'll get to the medical center, to Hillary, do what you gotta do, I'm doing mine,  don't think Big little bear we've met, I'm Lion Wolf Paw, Deburk.  Okay, okay I'll make this easy, out of eight brothers, why you? Since you come right out to say, ask even, then I'll plainly say, about six months ago I lost my wife to a terrorist attack, wha, ah god, wha, I can't hear that, no , no,  no, I can't, can't! The Paris Globe private jet that was shot down, that was us, we were on our way to a resort, like a second honeymoon, she was lost and so was the pilot, Arron, a  really good friend, so if I Big, little bear say I know how melted to pulled out your heart. Even how lost you are, this twilight tunnel of indecision and confusion, an agonizing blood, untellable, ...I don't think I can even walk, my knees like my heart is aching, broken and bleeding. Then all I want Lion Wof is to hear in my ears, I know, that's she not gone, it was all a mistake, but come, I'll help you up, lean on me, let's, let these investigators have at it."      >>> "I know wife Hillary is our main concern, but come, follow me Mr. Hillsfeet, let's look at this possible ruptured ear, I didn't want to say in front of her, but it feel like it's plugged, jammed even and the eye dock on that side? These dove eyes you mean? My wife says that but I don't see, it, well it's not so much their color but their shape and placement, I'll have someone from optics and Otorhin to look you over, can I get back to my wife until then? Yes, ah please do, just let me put drops in this ear, and a patch over this eye, ah nall, you're Jack Sparrowing me, for a short time yes, you and your wife know how blessed you are to walk away from that explosion? Certainly, since my sister in law is still missing, sorry, so sorry about that, yeah, ...okay, you're all set, I'll just page you to get you back up here, thanks dock, thanks, you are welcome, of course." >>>"Now what Lion Wolf Paw Deburk? We can sit here the car for a long as you want or we can go inside Sia Arrows place and sit, I'll stay with you Sia Bear for as long as you need me, but I don't leave this car nor enter that house without Scarlet Sunni. I know, I know, if I didn't have the twins, you have children? Yes, an amazing son, Caph (Cape, as, in Hebrew, a threshold,) and daughter, Zain, (Zain, grace and beauty, in the Hebrew).  My daughter born first, my son followed like two hours later, so she's the oldest and she know it and will remind him often, they are Sia Bear beyond description exceptional.  Surely yes, having them like holding each hand now empty of her, the kisses on my neck, and they getting so tickled in my belly, in your belly? That's funny, too precious, so they're here, the house there? Ah, no, the Globe townhouse were I live, ah were we live, soon here though, your Sia Apache Arrow in agreement. You mean it when you say you'll stay with me for as long as I have need? I mean it, yes, then if this hurt heart to knees let me, I will go in, I must tell you Lion Wolf Paw, I hold out faith they will yet find her alive I mean. It's kinda good you say that, yeah, yeah, just lean into me, ah, they hurt so bad, but, here I go, as I was to say, we have a couple with us. While now relocated to the African Juttah, Vallejo Swanee and Kemkia Sugar Pie, his wife, after a terrorist attack, he was left in and out of a coma, and she in a morgue but her spirit was in his head. Then my eldest Sia brother's Arrow and Sioux got it into them they could fix them, and they did, she, well her spirit come out of him, and he regain total consciousness, said spirit, hers now back in her, she raised from the dead and eventually walked out of the morgue.  You sit here, or lean here, while I reach these keys, hearing that fantastic story, I'm floored and sad as well, that big Bear makes sense, it's a sweet and bitter testament.  Just too, too miraculous, so you hold on to your faith, having an entire host of heaven laboring in our stead, nothing is impossible, ...again Lion Wolf, wow, what an inconceivable testimony.  Actually Sia Lion, I think I'll go right to a hot bath, a soak, I have some herbs that should help a lot, if you're hungry, no, ah something hot to drink, whatever you decide, okay, coming right up, Lion Wolf, yes, do you regret it, regret it? Not growing up on the res? While just ask yourself, if we had, would anything like the Paris Globe exist, even the nuptial, prenuptial dorms?  All, as all Christ Cross outreach Big, little bear that will one day see a multitude enter heaven, robes washed and made white by the Lamb's blood, come in by the millions, even billions. Then Lion Wolf, blessed, blessed holy father, Amen, now you be careful, don't want you falling, right, right, I will. Scarlet Sunni, if you can still hear me, please, please I beg you, tell me where you are, lead me to you, hear me love, lead me to you, please great spirit pity us and help us both."      >>>"This beautiful eye covered, yeah, but look at you, you're on oxygen, bandaged head, wrist, well my lungs did burn, ...speaking of, all those people and Sunni possibly with them. You know Hill, there are some they will possibly never find, I heard them say anyway, well let's pray Fox, after losing Sunni like that, that isn't equal his curse, her undetermined fate, right? Right, hear tell they ah, used, a Deburk, Lion Wolf Paw to talk Bear out of there, seems he suffered something similar only six months past and just as horridly, lost his wife, seems there was a Paris globe pilot, all lost to a terrorist attack. Then he would be the best one, you yet don't have much of an appetite, well we're being released today, so maybe it'll get better once we're home. Home this husband say, a blessed place we're thousands of miles away from, no, home and treasures are where the heart is, my stunning husband Red Fox, Ghost River always tell me.  I know you feel beyond sorrowful for Bear, I do as well, so, so hate it Hill and feel so helpless, well that darling husband is what prayer is for if nothing else. Taking helplessness out of our hands and giving it over to the victorious, six millennia now, God of heaven and heart. 'Our Father, which art in heaven, in a situation as this, you know grandma would say, walk by faith girl, not fear, faith remind us we serve a god who is omniscient and omnipotent, 
already know what we have need of.  So while we're panicking, fainting and failing, you merciful father is all already rebuilding and mending the broken, therefore when we cry unto you.  Then we know that you hear us and if you hear us we know that we have whatever we ask in Jesus' name, we request, we exalt thee Holy Father, forsake us not forever, amen,  amen wonder girl.  Really amazing grace are your prayers, amen, excuse me, I was told, well, I'm Medicine Bow Deburk, and this is my wife, I'm Tynan, you all can just call me Ty, flawless you two look, like models or something, they are doll or something like it, right? I work for a modeling, designing industry, then Medicine is the new face, Dissuasion's recent unisex cologne, that's it, I knew I knew that stunning face, rip it, while your face off the label, enlarge it, frame it, and have it with you for breakfast, breaks and bed, or something like that, right? Exactly, ah Hillary like that, one of our most popular to date ads, and I guess we know why, and you Red Hawk, you're Mrs. Coogan's Frog Prince entry? I am yes, ...well we're making a Paris Globe, wellness visit, prayer request all that.  But after that faith discussion and prayer, you two are in perfect shape, news Mr Deburk of my brother would be most cherished, ah, my brother Sia Lion Wolf talked him to Sia Arrow home, he has been with him and will stay with him for as long as he would like or need.  His, being there was best, sorry to say I know exactly how you feel, Sia Lion Wolf lost his wife to a similar attack, only months back. Like you, ah my god, all I wanted was to get his wife back for him, or rewind time or fix it like that day didn't happen, even wouldn't, couldn't happen.  So, trying not to get all choked up myself, Tynan and I, we were told you two will be released today, yeah, as you see we're packed and ready, good, good, all good signs, yeah, ah, we have a few others to visit, see you two at the Globe, thanks you two, God bless! Wow, I feel like I was in the presence of celebrity, you should've told her you have plans to apply to their stores, stores, they're more like palaces. People have seen nothing like, cherchez la femme and c'est l'homme shopping emporiums, just those titles alone are come legendary, and pray tell love what does that all mean? Ah look for the woman, and this is the man, in French, ah, creative, yes, Sia Maaseiah Coogan is the most multi creative person in this world, I suspect.  Speaking of which Red Hawk, that gown she had on at the Beltzer, word is an offer was made and she sold it right on the spot, yeah, probably Hill for the million dollar it seemed to be worth, we're are these doctors to sign our release? Patience, patience my love, remember what all other victims are going through, yeah including Bear, forgive me lord for being so selfish, amen!"     >>>"What are you showing, these are really good, I didn't know you were an artist, these are not just drawings, these are things Scarlet Sunni is showing me about her condition and location.  Like Lion wolf, where she is, who's she with, oh, oh, oh, let me get this, wait, wait, every time I saw him, I mightily studied his face, and here he is. Wow, what an amazing likeness, you, you, you know him? Ah he seem familiar, I said the same, ah, it look like, well our head of security, Mr. Veneer, I don't think you met him, no, but his name sound familiar. It would, he'd acted as Sia Maaseiah's personal bodyguard before his recent assignment relocated him out of the country, so why would Scarlet Sunni show this man as her captive?  Where is he, this Mr veneer? Because wherever he is, so is Scarlet Sunni, get dressed, we're going to the Globe, I'm going to call an emergency meeting, meaning even Sia Maaseiah will be there, good, so good, you Sia Lion Wolf Paw is a godman of his word.                     

...Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever...

                                                              Scene XXIII

    "What is wrong with you brother, is this not what you want, the wife of the malefactor who threaten your Maaseiah, that we do to her instead what they threaten of yours? I don't know brother, Cain, it's all beginning to have that feeling the garden of gethsemane that night, these militants men and servants come for Jesus. Disciple Peter rose up a sword against them, as any friend and beloved would, but Jesus explained no, he that live by violence die by violence. How he lay down his life for his people, not that his people lay down their lives for him, but that they stand, and when they've Cain done all to stand, it is that they stand! I'm sick Cain in ways I can't explain, crippled even, mind, soul and body, even the heart and mind over hurting one hair on her head. Almost Cain man like prick her, any of us, the Savior Lord of God's making died in vain, then so is everything vanity, a reaching for the wind, then, what, what do we do with her? You don't brother do anything but wash your hands of innocent blood, ask for His mercy and get back to your family, all of you. All of you hear me now, my heart is changed, I can't help myself, change your heart as well or seek out another black hearted, non-beneficial leader. I knew it, denied it but I knew it, like Pepe Saurus, you have come soft over women, over this one woman, this Sia Maaseiah. You are no use to this cause, I should walk over there and put a bullet in your head, that be all of ours heads Roster man, every time you come, you say it is to payback, but you also turn chicken. What do you call thirty dead, men, woman and children and dozen missing, Roster, huh, huh, how much more satisfying blood, huh?  Perhaps Cain until there's no more blood to plunder, spill nor burn, regardless of Roster's threats, I stand before you all still, and call you brothers, here what I say to brother Cain, this is not, nor was it ever the way, please all go your now and reconsider all said here, and their consequences."     >>>"I see them Lion just as you, hear you Big, little bear, why you praise them so, that they're come to you from Scarlet Sunni, that Sioux they possible grabbed her before the explosion, hoisted her away doing all the chaos. just as said Arrow I understand, but what does a composite drawing of Mr Veneer have to do with it? Sia Maaseiah is here, yes, please do tell, what of Mr Veneer collusion to participation here? We exalt thee Sia Maaseiah, welcome, but before you or as you comment to inquire, carefully look over those curious illustrations, ...whoa, ah, this seem very familiar, where is, I think, wait, have I been here before? Sia Big, little bear is convinced wherever Sia Maaseiah that is, that there is where Scarlet Sunni has been taken. Your Sia Lion Wolf told me the miracles of your married pair, Preece Swanee and Kemkia, so as I laid my head and heart asleep I prayed they both, holy spirit and spirit Sunni to somehow commune with me, and they did Maaseiah. We called an emergency meeting, knowing, well hoping since you're in France, you would come, and this, what's shown here is why we need your advice. So a drawing of Mr Veneer, a pretty good one, you see Sia Maaseiah wherever Preecest Scarlet is, so is he, it's Baghdad.  I was held up there, in this bunker for a while until Mr Cullen Veneer figured how he would get us both out alive, I barely escaped, operatives did die, including a good friend of my brother in law, then for months I thought Mr Veneer actually dead this time. This time? For two years of my life, I knew Mr Veneer only as Michael Day Harmon, my soon to be married and live happily ever after, fiancée, he a police detective or so I thought, we'd come or covertly joined the team.  This single one set to bring down the drug cartel, my fathers, all along the Caribbean coast, your father? Yes, my father, Pepe Saurus, Chief Pepe Saurus? Yes, Big, little bear, the man you know as Chief Pepe Saurus, anyway it went really bad, hits were placed on all of us, the Coogans, Saurus, until when all was said and done. Let's just say many were killed, injured and many missing and feared dead and my fiancée was thought one of them until he resurfaced about a year past as actually military specialist Cullen Michael Veneer. Everything I just told you all could be why, as I take a seat here, I've kinda overlooked his, ah, short coming's, I guess I'll say, his Sia Maaseiah short coming? Yes, like what these drawing here indicate, don't tell me all wise men in this room you haven't been the least bit suspicious of specialist Veneer.  This obscure knowing where all the bodies are buried or kept, and how these types of terrorist acts always flare-up when he's not around, I'm here now, I heard we had an emergency meeting so I figured that included head of security. Your wife is at the west end trauma center, please I beg you, run to her while I explain, thank you Mr Veneer, there's no need Sia Bear and soon you'll know why I say that, I'll come with you, please do, yeah, me too. Sia Maaseiah, Mr. Veneer, let me be clear, all her suspicions about me, all of yours are firmly and rightly placed, I know that, see that, but before we get proper agencies involved let me speak.  I've overseen France terrorist groups, but only as an international policing agent who got in too deep, so you had a little sleeping with the enemy thing going on. First with you, ah Mrs Coogan, then Miss Tiffany Ann Saurus and then soon, declared MIA to dead, with some very unsavory characters, admittedly at first I argued it was to protect my true identity at all cost, but it was for revenge also. I gave myself over to authorities months back, wha, I don't understand, I bargain, well they bargain with me, I give them Frances cell, they let me work as an international operative to bring in all others. When Sia I was there getting and rescuing Mr Artelon's fiancée from an arranged marriage as you asked, my ear caught word of this plan right here. Although, although, I had no idea about the bombing, I knew they were planning a move on you, which is why Mr Veneer you send word with Mr Blossom. Correct, yes, so when they couldn't get you, they went after them, all of them, but why, weren't they Mr Veneer shown to be my enemy? Yes, until they actually married and joined you, even the Paris Globe and actually come you, so they'd planned to kidnap her or one of hers and I think you all know the rest. Truly Mr Veneer as Mr Blossom fully detailed, so they just let you walk out with her, with their prize? No, they threaten to kill me and my brother Cain, all his operatives, placed the cold gun caliber to my head, all while I explained I rather be dead than hurt one strand on this girls' head. My brother Cain, his loyals stood as well and they all departed, with good advice I may add, so what just happen lately in Africa? No me and mine where lone gone, I to here, they, well mine, back to family or so they said, even promised., that is a daring tale, so how many times have you talked yourself out of near death situations? Ah, to be honest Sia Sabertooth, too many, the group that hurt Sia Lion and killed his wife, our friend Arron, ...not mine, some rouge group who mysteriously got their hands on a rocket launcher.  Now if my business here is done, I like to get to the hospital myself, yes, Mr Veneer but to be clear at this point we don't know whether to thank you or further suspect you, my being a frienemy you mean? Yeah, something like that, I better get back, I was actually babysitting, Sura is out on the town, yes, I see and read all your expresses, she's being careful and she's not alone, May I Sia Maasiah, see you out? I'm not going out Mr Veneer, but up, I see over a class here, ah, then may I see you up, yes, please, good, blessed day all, to you Sia Maaseiah as well. The things not actually known about people huh? Her spirit is so bitter until I can taste it, she is not pleased with Mr Veneer's reveals, meaning brother Sioux we are, how do we ever trust him again? Probably and only Apache Arrow because he ask us to, so is my nephew here? Yes, the nursery Sia Maaseiah suggested, designed and I so love her for it, I so just now, feeling and aching with her pain so wanted Apache, so needed to run to her, huh? And love her, then I'm sure she sensed that you did but couldn't, right, right, see you or call you, ah, I thought you was coming to the nursery, yes, yes, so quickly it skipped my mind, God knows our heart Sioux he will bless both of yours, well ours, peace be still, I so need that brother, I so need it."     >>>" I can't tell you how good it feel to be all wrapped into you, hospital room, bed, food all, I never I gave up, I know, I entirely felt the heart of you, even it's spirit voice talking to me, inquiring, and before I couldn't hold my eyes opened any longer, I chanted see, and I was gone. Pray, tell what did you Scarlet Sunni see, I saw him, God and he was laughing, it was so odd, I've never seen him so jolly, and we all, all around his throne laughed as well. I was to understand, it was a laughter of faith, our faithfulness Bear, you two as well, Lion and Medicine, so, so enthused him into unspeakable joy.  Then I woke to a horror, this dangerous to deadly debate over my fate, I thought he and his would die over me, and then I would die as well, and the next thing I lost all consciousness.  Soon I opened my eyes here, a bunch of medical people racing out to get me, apparently someone alerted them one of the missing persons from that bombing had been found. God laughing, I bet that was some sight, yes, the heart, head, the blood and all inter and outer existence, just so, so endless with hallelujah! So are you two married, with children? Sunni, no, what. I wanna know, both recently married, the Artelon Dorm house revealed, grand wedding, ah, super wedding, how many brides and grooms? Three to be exactly, come four as our eldest brother Sia Sioux decided to get married right there as well , ...ah my God it's true,  Red Hawk, come, hug, hug, hug, is it okay that I not let you go ever, ever? It's okay forever, where is my sister? In examine room 12, rushed me off as soon as we heard, she'll be here just as soon, sia brothers, I wanna thank you for being there for him, minute by minute. That is why you Sia Red Hawk call us brothers, no need for thanks, we love all of y'all, ah god what now? The lights gone out, hopefully not another terrorist attack, it's storming pretty bad out there, so hopefully it's that and emergency services will activate soon. I'll get to the front desk just in case, well be careful, to ah slice through the tension and answer, I'm married but with children from a previous marriage, previous, I thought marriage was for life, love, he lost his first wife, like I thought of you, in a terrorist attack, but have twins, both a girl named, Zain and a boy, named Caph, ah Hebrew names, ah Psalm 119 right? Right, exactly, now see Sunni I didn't know any of that, yeah, ah, Zain means beauty and Caph, ah bowl offering or threshold , wow how you, ah Sia Sunni know all that? Ah , don't call me that, I'm no assembler, you did brick head hubby know that's what Sia meant right? I study languages, I'm pretty good beleaguer, wow that's impressive and the emergency utilities should've kick in by now, yeah, there's a lot of running around panic people out that door! That's because Med man people who live off electrical devices are gonna start dying, so the cause? They're not sure, could be the storm, but France is exploding right now, indecisive, there's no telling what's happening and whos' doing it, we better see if we can get back, unless you guys still need us? I need you to come with me, after my wife Hillary, sure, let's do it, you guess be blessed, Godspeed, all, you Lion and your brother as well."      >>>"I guess it's the phones as well, can an electrical storm affect the phones? Apparently, yes, well I'm looking at traffic, it's moving so it's not one of Sia Maaseiah's predicted EMP's to CME, well, not yet anyway, you guys I think we need to launch the  Septennial Juttah, and get on with moving, destination new Africa, no further delays?  Just say we're all in agreement, man that is one furious storm, yeah parts of the hospital shut down, we just left there, panic everywhere the generators didn't activate, you could hear people literally dying, we felt our way to the chapel, prayed, got here with the quickness. I think Sia brothers we just activated the Juttah Septennial, nall, are you serious? Ah thank god, I for one am so tired of being and feeling guilty every time we suffer a terrorist attack knowing we're no even supposed to be here, well the movers if you wanna call them are on their way, there's no stopping them now, again good, thank god, all."     >>>"I know Tiffany you're plenty crossed at me, crossed at you, you are the reason Cullen I brought a saboteur to blessed enemy free tables, please don't call it, me that, saboteur, anything Tiffany but that. You know, it doesn't my commy tells me the Septennial is activated, in three days, we're Juttah bound, in three days, all of this is gonna be relocated in three days? All of this Mr Veneer is just a building, but all of it's people have been relocated, Africa bound since my moms 1986, 1996 and my 2012, exodus, when a Mayan prophecy was totally unbeknownst to me, so you see, we been at this African transference of all earths troubled people, thirty plus years. As in years Mr Veneer before I was born, meaning never, ever on planet earth has it been a time it's inheritance are to get everything in order and be able to friendly answer the question, holy or unholy, all straddles cursed, dead, damned." Good morning class, thanks for your patience, but as you can see by circumstances out of our control, we're  instead, ...the terrorist attack lately, so many dead, I heard or read you say Sia, terrorist could also be the answer to the question what is the secret of  Memphis? So I been waiting here even in the dark to inquire of an answer, yes, and what did the perfect man Jesus, while you stared down a dangerous, perfect mean about escaping angels, who is this dangerous, perfect man? Yeah, and those Memphis, Dunlap streets dreams of the Obama's visits, and his little Miya girl, please, please, I hear and will get to your questions, but first all of your opened your commy screens for some answers as well, biting my lips to ask, why are you Mr Veneer still here? It's saying we're Septennial activated, mine your exits, (Briexit, Blaexit, Brexit, Africa or Heaven), meaning every question you just asked, are all rooted and grounded in the harsh reality, the dispensation of grace. Once allowing a righteous and religious church age is expired the moment President Obama's left office and the moment President Trump come into office. Right now ancient beast to Jesus millennium reign and all such reveals come as we're seeing it all by a darken to shattered mirror, delusions of aware taken away by Christ, remember? This gentlemen here, is head of security, specialist Cullen Veneer and he with me will spend the next three days helping us see to this divine exit, please, all be released quietly, your commy alert will tell you more about blessed escape, go and may God bless your exodus. What, what is that stare? I want to say Sia Maaseiah you are as a god, but, but just wait, I'll just say you serve supreme God's and their people right well. I meant what I said to them right now, as always Sia Maaseiah, watch me, even my itinerary, I'm getting right to it. Wait, what did you say? Just after Holy Ones Cullen revealed senator Obama as the one, he asked that I trust his affinity for the people and follow his itinerary as proof.  No wonder since that man come, gone, all things, religious, political, monetary and military, lives, lands and churches, for good or bad has never been the same, ah same sex marriage was legalized under him. Yes, for biblical prophecy fulfillment, corruption reaping corruption sown, the same with his judging and slaying Gaddafi, again fulfilling the staging of those final ten heads. I got to go, please find out what's going on with the power and such, and Cullen sweet or bitter, I'm glad you're back, uninjured, in one piece, yeah god blessed me, really, my team as well, and specialist Cullen Michael Veneer, for good reason, now go and see why, what that is?"  Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, for it is written, though they have eyes, they see not, ears they have but they hear not, their hearts are waxed cold, as, are their stone gods, from America, Hawaii to Native America, so are they, Apb, The RAM, see more here, the exodus of First Prince Silverton Nicholas Of the house the African Juttah, again, see,, and here, the exodus of Evolent de Rossi Of the house Of Egypt, and here,                             

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